Thursday, November 20, 2014

Final Exam

Today was final exam of writing to communicate. I was so excited. Before this day, I tried read and review it ever learned from lesson 7 to lesson 12. I thought I can do it up to 70 percent. But when I saw the exam, I forgot to the answers for a moment. But it is not too difficult. After the exam is completed, teacher have told who did not submit work. I was very happy, because I was sending all the work.

Sunday, November 16, 2014

Unit 12 Itineraries

Today is Sunday, it was the day we came to study atone. Teacher taught writing small ads sale second-hand in exercise and by doing group. And she assigned to us create small ad sale second-hand own. After that, we began to study in unit 12:"Itineraries".

Teacher taught reading and writing the itineraries. She assigned to us write itinerary by doing group and own. 

At first, I thought it would be difficult. But when I learned it was very easy. I was very happy with learning of today.

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Unit 11 Small Advertisement

Today teacher told score in order to everyone to get to know. And it is a great time again our, because she was busy express. But she assigned to us did the exercise to complete before she return. When she came back, she taught reading ads, along with described detail of writing ads.
She ordered to us write a small ad seeking a share accommodation. And she assigned to us did homework, it is writing ad our second-hand goods.
I was very happy with this lesson. It is that easy and lighthearted.

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Unit 10 Completing Forms

Today I learned unit 10:"Completing Forms". Teacher taught about study forms and answer related questions. Teacher to took samples departure and arrival form, let us did it. It is the information about immigration and social welfare purposes. It made me gain new knowledge.
Another example is the English Language courses application form.
But teacher have not taught because she had a meeting and she assigned to us did the exercise to complete before she return. It is very good for me, really comfortable. And when she came into, she assigned to us find a website of an education institution that offers English courses, decide which course you are interested in and download the application form.

Thursday, October 30, 2014

Unit 9 Invitation

I learned about the invitation from a week ago. Teacher was review about to write a sending invitation via e-mail and replies. And taught writing invitation cards properly. Sample cards have many forms such as birthday party, seminar dinner, engagement celebration, farewell party and conference reception, are both formal and informal.

Teacher was assigned to us wrote an invitation card with a friend in group. And she assigned to us sent invitation via e-mail to friend and did invitation card.

I enjoyed this lesson. I like do the invitation cards.

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Unit 9 Invitations

Today  we had a midterm exam of course Writing for Communication. Before the exam, I was afraid the exam is tough and would miss like a first the collect the points. But when I saw the exam, I could tell that it is very easy. But I did not remember all the answer. Oh! so sad. When the test was finished, we began to study in lesson 8 per from last time. And teacher assigned to us find an English course offered online and write an e-mail to request for information. 
And we learned unit 9:"Invitation". Teacher taught about Sending invitations via e-mail, how to accept an invitation and how to refuse an invitation. And she assigned to us did the exercises.

For today, I also did not understand the class content.

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Unit 8 Requests

Today I learned Unit 8:"Requests". Dr. Usa assigned to us do the pre-writing. She taught about writing requests and writing responses. And taught writing requests e-mail, which are both formal and informal. She assigned to us wrote request to a friend in room 5 person.
find an English course offered online and write an e-mail to request for information and application form.

I don't like this lesson. I think it was boring and not enjoyed.

Thursday, October 2, 2014

My travel

I had a wonderful time in Chiang Mai last year ago. I visited Wat Phra That Doi Suthep. I stayed at the Deetown Wang In Chiang Mai hotel. It is clean and comfortable. I had dinner at Khum Khantoke. The food was delicious but too expensive. The weather on Wat Phra That Doi Suthep was cold. I came up obeisance to Phra That Doi Suthep and I took a lot of photos. Way Phra That Doi Suthep  was very beautiful but crowded. I really enjoyed the trip.

Unit 7 Postcards and Travel Blogs

Today I learned Unit 7: "Postcards and Travel Blogs" continuous from last week. Teacher tought how to writing postcard about travel. She assigned to us write postcard about my travel and send to her. And she assigned to us write postcard to travel as a group. When all groups was done writing, she was check the writing of each group to edit grammatically correct. Today I very enjoyed this learning.

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Unit 7 Postcards and Travel Blogs

Today we had midterm exam. I felt very nervous. I thought I did not, it must certainly very difficult. But then I can did it, some items only.

After the test, we started learned Unit 7: "Postcards and Travel Blogs". Teacher took the example postcard of her to us looked and learned how to writing postcards. She tought how to writing about spent times, activities, weather, accommodation, places and food. And she assigned to us did the exercises. I enjoyed this learned today. But I felt terrible when I did the exam.

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Unit 6 Diaries and Weblog

Today I learned Unit 6 : "Diaries and Weblog". Teacher tought how to write diaries are short form and long form, how to record past events so we can remember what happen. And how to plan future activities to remind. In addition teacher assigned us talked about past activities with classmate. And tought read a sample diary, analyse the language use in writing different cards. I enjoyed this lesson.

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Unit 5 Sending Cards

Today I learned about Sending Cards with Dr. Usa Noytim. I like this unit so much. Dr. Usa introduced writing and reading cards in various form. She taught about writing cards formal and informal, and creating e-cards. Homework of today is creating card and send e-card sure enough.

I like creating card, because I like drawing coloring very much. I think I like this lesson the most.

Thursday, August 28, 2014

Unit 4 Telephone messages

Fourth classes with Dr.Usa Noytim. She taught review in unit 3. Today I learned about Telephone messages. Teacher taught about analyse the language use in writing telephone messages, read telephone messages and related activities, listen to phone conversations and take notes. Teacher give paired with friend write dialogue myself.

I enjoyed with conversations on the phone. I'm not worried about it,  it's not too hard. But I worry about unit 5. I fear it will be hard.

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Unit 3 Everyday notes and messages

Today I learnt topic of Everyday Notes and Messages. Teacher tought about read notes and messages, writing sentences for abbreviations and use emoticons in text message. She assigned tasks to us, send Mobile text to her. It,s not difficult, but I do not know how be written correctly or not.

I feel enjoy it and also materially increased much more.

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Unit 2 Weblogs

Today, teacher checked e-mail of students and told the bugs in the writing e-mail. She tought creation a weblog. She requested agent create weblog to view a sample. Then she assigned to everyone create weblog own. I felt bewildered with creating weblog.

Unit 1 Using e-mail: Introducing oneself

Today is first of learning about Writing for Communication 1 with Dr. Usa Noytim. Teacher introduced Course Syllabus and told about five domains of learning. She tought about apply for an e-mail account in English, read e-mail, write an e-mail introducing oneself, send an e-mail to classmates and the instructor and introduced a weblog. Together with introduced sample weblog's third year student. I think creation a weblog is hard, but it not over my talent. I felt good about of learning. Because writing or reading e-mail is easy for me.

Writing for communication 1

My name is Supattra Khamsawang. My nickname is Um. My birthday is 30 March 1995. I live in Prachuabkirikhan with my mother. I'm studying at Nakhon Pathom Rajabhat University, majoring in English. In my free time, I like listening to music.