Thursday, February 26, 2015

Unit 5 Comparison and Contract

I learned “Comparison and Contract”. Teacher brought an orange, a green apple, and an apple we told similarities and differences of fruits. A comparison-contrast pattern presents similarities(comparisonsbetween two or more thing, or both similarities and difference.

She explained about use the following markers to point out comparison and contrast. She told students to read each text and complete the diagram. She assigned work with read the text and make exercise. After that we presented role play about the secret. I enjoyed study may be serious and worry.

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Unit 4 Procedure

Today I learned unit 4:"Procedure". The purpose is to tell the reader how to do or make something. Procedure include purpose, types of procedural texts, text organization, and language features. She opened VDO about how to make a banana shake and recipe for banana cake.

She told students to watched VDO about omelet recipe and work group.

We match each sentence with the correct picture then put all sentences in the correct order. We read the recipe and answer the question that follow about chicken soup. 

She assigned homework exercise 3 and make role play. I liked this unit very much.

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Unit 3 Descriptive

I learned unit 3:“Descriptive”. Descriptive is a text which says what a person, a thing or a place is like.  She told students to made group work about Komodo Dragon. We wrote description size, senses, appearance of Komodo Dragon. My friend presented at the front of class. She told students to answer these questions based on text and match each word the correct meaning. Text 2 was Budapest.
After that, she searched the internet for information about Budapest picture. It is very beautiful. She assigned work by read text 2-3 and found descriptive adjective. I enjoyed this learning.