Thursday, January 15, 2015

Unit 1 Recount

Today I learned unit 1:“Recount”. Teacher has opened YouTube for students to watch Hockey sportNext, she explained about genres text include recount. she explained about genres of text include recount. Recount comprising purpose, types, text organisation and language feature. In a recount we reconstruct past experience. A recount is the unfolding of a sequence of events over time. We are using language to keep the past alive and help us to interpret experience. She told students to looked at the power point along with explained.

She told students to do exercise after explained .She told students to watched the YouTube about Funeral in Toraja which it was ceremony and slaughtered the pig and buffaloes. It very poor. Finally, she assigned homework include exercise 3 and 4. The problem was we did not know meaning of word because we must diligent. I enjoyed with learner.

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